Use this form to request a specific booking of Barmoor.
Please go to 'Contact Us' for all other purposes.
No booking is confirmed until dates are agreed by our administrator, and your deposit has been paid.
Allocation of dates will be done after November 1st for the year following.
Priority will be given according to an assessment of charitable need.
Requests may be submitted at any time.
A vacancy that then remains in the forthcoming season can be requested at any time and will be confirmed as soon as possible.
It will be your responsibility to manage Health and Safety and Safeguarding during your visit in ways that are appropriate for all your group members. Documents below will assist you with thinking about your responsibilities. Read all three before proceeding:
Check that you understand your likely charge-
scale before you start to complete the form.
If you are not a registered charity,
but are non-profit click this button