Barmoor – a place of nourishment; spiritual, physical and emotional.
A place which touches a great number of people.
How might Covid-19 affect your stay at Barmoor?
Barmoor is now fully open​, with no restriction on social contact, but Covid has not gone away.
Government advice for hospitality is now focussed on reducing spread of all infectious diseases.
Personal caution is still recommended if case numbers in the country are high.
Barmoor Trustees offer the following advice.​​​
The building will be cleaned for safety between groups.
The essence of a stay at Barmoor is shared living. There are no en-suite facilities.
Trustees expect groups to manage their own safety during their stay, taking account of possible vulnerabilities of their group members.
Click this to see our Risk Assessment for infectious disease. [Downloads as a Word page]
Submit any specific questions through ‘Contact Us’.
​ Updated 24 January 2023.