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  • In deciding whether to come, groups using Barmoor should make their own assessment of risk in the light of official National or Regional advice, and the histories and known vulnerabilities of their users.

  • Please inform our bookings manager should you decide not to come, through Contact Us.

  • No person who has been advised to self-isolate should come to Barmoor.

  • If a person awaiting the result of a coronavirus test should be self isolating and not at Barmoor.  But anyone receiving a positive result should safely return to their own home and not remain at Barmoor.

  • If a person who came to Barmoor tests positive to Coronavirus in the following two weeks, they or their group leader should immediately inform the trustees through ‘Contact Us’, so that consideration can be made for a deep clean.

  • A deep clean might mean a period of closure at short notice. Affected bookings would be informed.

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